Chapter 1
Who is Jordan baker ?
What is Nick’s last name
Chapter 2
Who broke mrs.Wilson's nose ?
Who does Tom take nick to meet ?
Chapter 3
Why was there a crowd at the end of the party?
What is Gatsby’s first name ?
Chapter 4
who did Tom cheat on ?
Gatsby doesn’t want daisy to know what ?
Soledad mena
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Thursday, November 7, 2019
First impression of self-reliance
I’d like to start off by saying “Ne Té quaesiveris extra” just how I wondered before I knew when it meant I know your also wondering yourself. The meaning of the phrase is Do not look outside of yourself 6 words just 6. These 6 words give you a lot to think about they really do. I thought about these words a lot. You should never think or yourself as less. No one is worth less. What I have learned from this essay so far is to always believe in your thoughts. That no matter what or who thinks other wise you believe in what you think is the truth. Don’t let other people shut your voice down.
Thursday, September 5, 2019
I'd like to grab your attention and talk to you about a topic that I'd like to be understood in. well today's topic is bullying. I wonder have you ever heard about bullying? well if you haven't let me tell you what it is. Bullying is when someone says or does something hurtful towards someone. By hurtful i mean almost anything that can affect someone like physically or verbally. Reasons why people get bullied well its simple anything really for example liking the same sex, skin color, where you come from etc. I want people to understand i need people to understand that bullying is not ok. its not right. its so easy to be a bully but i'd like for you to take a moment and just think how would you feel if you got bullied? would you speak up about it? would you tell someone? or would you feel threatened? the majority of the people that get bullied don't speak up about it. Bullying happens to be one of the main reasons why people commit suicide. its not right for innocent people to have to go home crying because they're themselves or people that are currently getting bullied to feel like there's no way out or even people that had suffered by getting bullied. its not ok for anyone to feel fear, scared, insecure, depressed, frightened, panicky, threatened, afraid, self-conscious etc. i can go on and on about this list. No one absolutely no one deserves to ever feel that way. No one deserves to get bullied. i hope you understood the meaning of bullying and how i feel about it. one thing i'd like to say is that if your currently getting bullied don't be scared speak up tell one get help because there is a way out.
My last experience of writing as essay was actually last year in my English class. writing an essay isn't always easy. A lot of people struggle but a lot of people are also ready good at it. Me myself i feel like i'm not horrible but i'm also not the best. personally me myself i don't have a method i follow while writing but i do however follow some of the steps of a method such as having the main idea, having examples, explaining my examples etc. Take a moment and think when was the last time you wrote an essay? how do you think your experience is writing an essay? Do you use a method? one thing i learned about writing an essay was that you have to make your reader feel involved. also be understood its important for the reader to understand what your talking about and how you feel.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Thursday, August 29, 2019
I know that i am entitled to my own opinion i know this because i'm the only one who knows how i think and what goes on in my mind. Believe or not everyone is entitled to their own opinion. one thing i will tell you though is that not everyone is going to agree with you all the time. There is always going to be people who disagree with you and that's perfectly fine. one last think id like to say is that don't chance your opinion because you feel forced to. If you decide you want to change your opinion do it because you want to not because everyone else thinks otherwise. Not everyone always has to agree on everything.
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Gatsby’s test chapter 1 through chapter 4
Chapter 1 Who is Jordan baker ? What is Nick’s last name Chapter 2 Who broke mrs.Wilson's nose ? Who does Tom take nick to...
Chapter 1 Who is Jordan baker ? What is Nick’s last name Chapter 2 Who broke mrs.Wilson's nose ? Who does Tom take nick to...
I know that i am entitled to my own opinion i know this because i'm the only one who knows how i think and what goes on in my mind. Beli...